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What Is Applied Kinesiology

An American chiropractor developed Applied Kinesiology in 1964. This alternative diagnostic test and treatment use strength resistance of the muscles and organs to diagnose any underlying imbalance or illness. This technique was inspired by other natural treatments such as osteopathy and chiropractic.

It works by activating an active muscle, which then activates its opposite muscle or organ. It is widely used in orthopedic medicine and is now accepted as an effective treatment. It is effective in treating a variety of conditions, including diabetes, osteoporosis and heart problems, stroke, sore muscles, back pain, constipation. You can find out more about Applied Kinesiology via

Applied Kinesiology uses non-invasive holistic treatments such as joint manipulation, myofascial treatment, acupuncture, and nutritional supplements. It also offers dietary counseling and nutritional advice. It can also use spine manipulation to correct misaligned spines that could prevent the proper flow of neurotransmitters between the brain and all other parts of the body.

How Does It Work?

The process begins with proper assessments. This can include general examinations of the patient's vital statistics and checking health history. It would also be accompanied by lab examinations like blood tests, urinalysis, x-rays, and MRIs. Then, a series of muscle testing is done on various parts of the body.

For the most part, the shoulder is usually tested. The patient is asked to stand erect with their right hand relaxed at the side and left arm fully extended parallel to the floor. Facing together, the therapist would put his left arm at the relaxed right arm of his patient and would instruct his patient to resist his right arm as it pushes down his left arm.

The patient's left arm should be able to lock down his arm while the therapist pushes the arm with a quick, firm, and fairly powerful to test the reflex of the arm. If the patient is able to lock his arm, there is no possible harm to any organ, but further tests are done for it to be certain.